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Prioritize 8 Areas for Your Holistic Health Needs with the Wellness Wheel

As a caregiver, it’s important to tend to your own health and well-being, so that you have a solid foundation of energy and personal reserves to take care of your loved one. The Wellness Wheel is a powerful tool to help you see which areas in your life are going well and which might need more attention.  When I first took this assessment a few years ago, it helped me see which of the eight areas of my holistic well-being I needed to focus on. Now I take it a few times each year to identify areas where I need to “put on my oxygen mask” so I'm able to help my loved ones without tipping over into burnout.  Follow the easy steps below to identify which of the eight areas of well-being you need to pay attention to. Then see my tips below on how to create new healthy habits in the areas you want to prioritize -- so you can create a more fulfilling and balanced life, even as a busy caregiver. You may be surprised how much it can make a difference.

Wheel of Wellness and the eight dimensions of wellness

Step 1: Take the Pulse

Take a moment to reflect on each sector of your wellness wheel, assigning a score from 1 to 10 to gauge where you currently stand. Be honest with yourself. It's not about judgment; it's about understanding where you are right now.

  • Emotional:

  • How well are you managing your emotions?

  • Are you fostering a positive mindset?

  • Physical:

  • What's your relationship with your body like?

  • How well are you taking care of your physical health?

  • Spiritual / Existential:

  • Are you connected to a sense of purpose or meaning?

  • How often do you engage in activities that nurture your soul?

  • Social:

  • How satisfied are you with your social connections?

  • Are you fostering healthy relationships?

  • Career / Occupational (this can include caregiving):

  • How aligned are you with your career goals?

  • Are you finding fulfillment in your work?

  • Financial:

  • How secure do you feel about your financial situation?

  • Are you making informed financial decisions?

  • Environmental:

  • Are you maintaining your home/work/study space in a way that supports success and thriving? 

  • Are you taking steps to protect and preserve your environment?

  • Intellectual:

  • How stimulated is your mind?

  • Are you actively seeking out opportunities for learning and growth?

Step 2: Set Priorities

Now that you've taken the wellness wheel assessment for a spin, it's time to prioritize. Which areas are calling out to you for a bit more attention? Listen to your inner compass and identify the top two or three sectors you want to focus on.

Step 3: Set Bite-Sized Goals

Let's make these goals achievable and ideally fun! Instead of overwhelming yourself with grandiose plans, break them down into bite-sized, easily digestible chunks.

Example: Physical Wellness

  • Goal: Increase daily physical activity.

  • Bite-sized steps: Take a 10-minute walk during lunch, try a new workout video for 15 minutes, or take the stairs instead of the elevator.

Example: Financial Wellness

  • Goal: Create a monthly budget.

  • Bite-sized steps: Start by tracking your expenses for a week, then categorize and set spending limits for specific areas.

Example: Social Wellness

  • Goal: Strengthen social connections.

  • Bite-sized steps: Schedule a coffee date with a friend, send a thoughtful text to a loved one, or join a community group with shared interests.

By breaking down your goals into manageable steps, you're more likely to stay motivated and see progress. Remember, it's not about perfection—it's about progress.

Here are more tips to adopt new healthy habits:

  • Ask yourself: How can I make it easy and fun? What’s your commitment level on a scale of 1-10? If your commitment level is low, can you take smaller steps or make it more fun?

  • Write down your goals – consider writing them on a sticky note and placing it somewhere visible. 

  • Try pairing your new healthy habit with another habit/routine you already keep. This is called "habit stacking."

  • Track your progress. Mark down on a piece of paper or a calendar when you do the new healthy habit. Check your progress once a week.

  • Consider getting an accountability partner, someone who you share your progress with. This could be a friend who can cheer you on. 

  • Celebrate when you’ve made good progress! It can be as simple as literally patting yourself on the back and saying "good job me!" or doing a little happy dance to your favorite upbeat song.

  • When you don’t keep a new habit, just get back up the next day. 

  • If you are still having trouble after a week, consider taking smaller/different steps so it’s easier for you to have forward momentum. 

  • After you’ve kept the new habit for a month, consider amping it up (e.g. a 10-minute daily walk could turn into a 15-minute daily walk) or starting a different new healthy habit.

Take these small, intentional steps each week, and watch how the journey transforms not just your wellness wheel but your entire life. The idea is to add as many small healthy habits as possible so they build up and become part of your everyday life, so you have the capacity to be a joyful and resilient caregiver.


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