Is This You?
Are you an exhausted chronic illness caregiver?
Are you overwhelmed by caregiving along with juggling family needs, and feel like you're barely surviving? Are your own needs in last place or even non-existent?
Or are you coping as a caregiver, but not thriving, and want to do better?
Do you sometimes feel like you’re losing yourself in the process of caregiving?
Maybe you are lonely and isolated, since most of your friends and family don’t truly understand what you’re going through?
Are you looking for ways to overcome your stress, grief, or loneliness?
I’m Kim Moy…
I’ve been a caregiver for nearly 20 years, caring for my husband, who is disabled from ME/CFS, while also raising our two school-aged children and managing a team at work. For several years, I also shared caregiving responsibilities with my sister for my elderly parents until they passed away a few years ago. My mother suffered from Alzheimer’s and died of COVID, which she caught at the nursing home she lived in. My father died a few months later.
I understand the complexities of caregiving, from the extreme lows when you’re dealing with the red tape from the medical system, to the joy I feel when my family has moments of connection.
It took me years to get here with countless books, webinars, podcasts, coaches, therapists, and Zen training. I’ve learned that going it alone is the slow, hard way.
I don’t want you to take years to do the same.
Which is why I put all of my learning and training together into the "Thrive as a Caregiver" group program. I'm now offering the program as three focused 5-session courses, which will be available at different times throughout the year:
🌺 "Strengthening the Resilient Self"
Learn about the top emotional, physical, and non-denominational spiritual practices I use to strengthen my resilience to prevent burnout.
Try simple, effective daily practices to increase your mindfulness, focus on what really matters, and prime your mindset so you can experience more joy.
Learn grounding physical moves and somatic exercises to calm your nervous system.
Discover uplifting spiritual (Zen and other non-denominational) principles to raise your spirits, experience more joy, and feel more connected to something larger.
Use the Wellness Wheel to identify new healthy habits to improve your well-being. You may want to add some of the practices I share as one of your new habits.
You'll also get accountability, coaching, and support to maintain these new healthy habits that are otherwise easy to drop.
🌺 "Ambiguous Loss & Radical Acceptance"
Learn about the unique type of grief called ambiguous loss and how it affects both people with debilitating chronic illnesses and their caregivers.
Discover the dozen steps you can take toward healing and choose which ones that resonate most with you.
Learn about radical acceptance and find out how to let go of the need to control, judge, and wish things were different than they are.
Understand how you can apply the Serenity Prayer in your life.
These topics resonate so deeply with all caregivers I meet. In this group course, we'll have an opportunity to have more intimate, personal, and powerful discussions and group coaching on these topics than in our free support group meetings.
🌺 Empowering Your Sense of Self
I’ll share lessons I’ve learned (and continue to learn) about many important life skills that apply to caregiving and the rest of your life.
Boosting self-esteem, self-worth, & self-compassion
Navigating changing relationships and having difficult conversations
Setting boundaries with others and yourself
Asking for help & advocating for yourself
Throughout all of these group courses, you will also connect, share, and learn with others in an intimate community of fellow caregivers who understand what you’re going through. They offer a level of friendship and support like no other.

1) Strengthening the Resilient Self
Session 1: Avoid Burnout by Focusing on Your Well-Being Formula
What is holistic health?
Rate your multifaceted types of health on the Wellness Wheel.
Most effective ways to set healthy habits.
Find restorative time for yourself throughout the day.
Session 3: Take Physical Actions: Restorative Breathwork and Grounding Somatic Movements
Experience my favorite breathwork practice that quickly calms down your nervous system and helps you feel stronger.
Get an overview of different types of somatic awareness practices.
Learn the physical techniques of Zen meditation – which emphasizes breath, posture, and frame of mind.
Session 5: Closing & Reflections
Session 2: Establish Mindset: Easy Ways to Cultivate Resilience & Joy
Find a gratitude practice that resonates with you.
Incorporate micro-acts of joy into your daily life.
How to incorporate mindfulness into your everyday life.
How to not feel stuck by practicing non-attachment.
Session 4: Soak in Spiritual Approaches: Meditation, Nature, and Art to Lift You Up
Get an overview of different types of meditation.
Experience and practice group Zen meditation.
Tap into the restorative power of nature.
Lean into experiencing art and expressing your creative spirit.
We'll check in on the healthy habits you set at the beginning of the course and celebrate your accomplishments.
We'll review your top learnings from the group course.
We'll reflect and share our experiences.
Next steps & staying in touch.
2) Ambiguous Loss and Radical Acceptance
Session 1: Ambiguous Loss
Learn about ambiguous loss, a type of grief that most chronic illness caregivers experience.
Understand the importance of acknowledging these losses.
Share your experience of losses with other caregivers who understand. This can ease your loneliness when others in your life may not understand.
Session 2: MovingToward Healing
Navigating ambiguous loss requires a multifaceted approach. Discover 12 strategies that help you move toward healing.
Discuss which strategies you want to use to move toward healing.
What specific steps are you going to take to integrate these strategies into your life?
Session 3: Radical Acceptance
Learn about radical acceptance and understand how it can help prevent your pain from turning into suffering.
Discover the 10 steps to let go of the need to control, judge, and wish things were different than they are.
See how you can practice radical acceptance in your life.
Session 5: Closing & Reflections
We'll discuss your top takeaways from the group course.
We'll reflect and share our experiences.
Next steps & staying in touch.
Session 4: The Serenity Prayer
"God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, The courage to change the things I can, And the wisdom to know the difference."
How can you apply the Serenity Prayer to your life?
Share your reflections and learn from fellow caregivers.
3) Empowering Your Sense of Self
Session 1: Embrace the Positive Self-Worth System
Learn how to deal with the overwhelm of caregiving, which can eat at your sense of self-esteem and self-worth
Find out how to retain or reframe one's identity while being a caregiver.
What to do if you feel your caregiving efforts are invisible and never-ending.
How can you be more self-compassionate?
Session 3: Caregiver Boundaries Method & Tools
Learn and practice three skills to setting boundaries successfully.
Do you need to set boundaries with yourself?
Loving others without feeling responsible for their emotions or circumstances.
How to deal with compassion fatigue and burnout.
Session 5: Closing & Reflections
We'll discuss your top takeaways from the group course.
We'll reflect and share our experiences.
Next steps & staying in touch.
Session 2: Navigating Changing Relationships
Being on the same team with your loved one vs. the illness.
How the both of you can nurture your relationship so that caregiving doesn’t overshadow it.
Communicating difficult topics.
Managing your relationships with other family members, friends, and work colleagues when you are a chronic illness caregiver.
Session 4: How to Ask for Help and How to Advocate for Yourself
Why is it hard for us to ask for help?
Develop ways to ask for more help so you aren’t doing everything on your own.
Identify what help you need and who you can get help from.
Identify specific next steps on how you can ask for more help.
Invest in Yourself
While the value of the program is "priceless," according to past participants, your investment will be $295 for a 5-session group course. This means you’ll get 5 group coaching sessions of 90 minutes each + about 4 hours of recorded video lessons + additional support in a private online community for the same amount it costs for 1.5 50-minute psychotherapy sessions in many U.S. cities. (Please note course rates may change in the future.)
Free Bonus: One 30-minute 1:1 coaching session. You will experience the power of "inner wisdom" coaching at the end of the group course. These sessions are designed so that you’ll enjoy a powerful finish and clearly identify your next steps to achieving your goals, such as continuing to improve your well-being so you can thrive.
Strong Foundation level: $295 for a 5-session group course OR save $60 if you buy all three group courses at $825. All three group courses will be scheduled to take place during 2025.
Deeper Growth level: Four additional 30-minute 1:1 coaching sessions during or after the program. Add $320 for this expanded package.
Savings: Note that because I am a board-certified health & wellness coach, you may be able to use your tax-advantaged Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA) and Health Savings Accounts (HSA) to pay for qualified medical expenses that insurance may not cover. Contact me for more details.
Scholarships may be available for those experiencing financial difficulties. They are funded by donations from previous group course participants who want others to benefit from this special experience.
Money-back guarantee: If you are not satisfied with your results, and have shown you’ve done all the components of the coursework and attended all the group meetings, I will refund you.
Q: Do I need to attend all of the live group calls or will they be recorded?
A: All sessions will be recorded and will be available to participants within 24 hours. I highly encourage you to attend the live sessions to experience the supportive energy of being in a community with other caregivers pursuing similar goals.
Q: I don’t have enough time or energy right now. How much will this really help me?
A: See what previous group coaching participants say about the power of this experience. Remember: The more support you get, the stronger you are for yourself, your ill loved one, and your entire family. It took years for me to seek support from a coach. I wish I had a caregiving coach earlier, so I would have struggled less and felt less alone.
Q: I can’t afford the program right now. Are there other ways I can participate?
A: For those in financial need, some partial scholarships will be available. The number of scholarships depends on donations from people who want to “pay it forward” to help others. For more info, please reach out to info@caregiverwisdom.net.
You may also want to ask friends or relatives if they can purchase the course as a gift for you. Many people may want to help support you but don’t know how. Funding sources from different friends and family members can be combined to cover the tuition. This is a tangible, effective way they can help support you.
Q: How is this different from the free monthly support group you lead?
A: The group course will offer:
a) More information and learnings than we can fit into the monthly support group,
b) Group coaching,
c) Some 1-on-1 coaching,
d) More sharing across a small group to learn from fellow caregivers & experience a tight-knit community,
e) Opportunity to develop deeper friendships with other caregivers “who get it,”
f) A special online community that’s exclusive for course participants.
Q: What’s the difference between working with a therapist and working with a coach?
A: Psychotherapy refers to treatments by a licensed mental health professional who helps a person work with their difficult emotions, thoughts, and behaviors. It is an activity that is regulated by individual states, meaning clinicians must be licensed in states where clients live.
Coaching helps people identify their goals, develop solutions, and take actions to overcome current problems, and stay on track. Many caregivers feel overwhelmed with caregiving responsibilities and may have a tough time maintaining their own well-being. If that's you, you may benefit from this type of support.
While therapy focuses on mental health and emotional healing, coaching focuses on setting and achieving goals. Both are valuable and may be needed at different times in your life’s journey.
Q: What is your professional background?
A: Please note I am not a medical professional or a therapist. While I have been trained and am board-certified as a health & wellness coach, I am not providing healthcare, medical, or nutritional therapy services or attempting to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any physical, mental, or emotional issues. As a fellow caregiver, I am sharing lessons I’ve learned along the way in my caregiving journey and personal life in hopes they can help you too.
Q: What if I need/want more 1-on-1 support?
A: If you need more individualized support, you may sign up for the Deeper Growth package or add additional 1-on-1 coaching sessions.
Q: What if I want to support caregivers who can’t afford the program?
A: Contact Kim at kim@caregiverwisdom.net to donate to a scholarship fund for program participants.